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Christian Response

Wooden Cross Lutheran Church is committed to serving the community through a variety of outreach programs that support people in need, helping them to cope with the struggles of daily living by providing them food, clothing, and other assistance.  We seek to learn about the biblical context of current issues pertaining to social justice, and to be actively involved in helping to bring needed change to God’s world.


The Christian Response Committee plans and leads the social outreach of the congregation.  We support local and global programs such as  Lutheran World Relief, Camp Unity Dinners, Emergency Feeding Program, Hopelink, Acres of Diamonds,  Compass Housing Alliance, Foss Foundation and Tiny Home Builds. 


Wooden Cross is also an Earth Ministry “Greening Congregation”.  Our beautiful seven-acre forested property is now a “certified wildlife habitat”.  Bird feeders, suet feeders, mason bee homes and bat houses are spread about … much pride is taken in our native landscaping efforts.


Wooden Cross is a member congregation of the ELCA.  For more information on the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), ELCA Advocacy, and ELCA Social Statements, visit:



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HopeLink Gleaning

Refugee Cleaning Kit Collection

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Tiny Home Build

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HopeLink Food Collection

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